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Indomitable Shorin-ryu Shubukan Uema
This DVD released in December 2008 introduces the famous Shorin-ryu Shubukan Uema Dojo's karate and kobudo

  • Author: Shorin-ryu Shubukan Uema Dojo
  • About the author: The Uema karate family dojo stands on the top of Shuri hill, in Naha City. Late Joki Uema born in 1920, Yasuhiro Uema born in 1945 and Takeshi Uema born in 1975 are at the head of the Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo Association Shubukan Dojo.
  • Introduction: Compiled in 2 DVDs, the Uema family and its top disciples demonstrate Okinawan traditional Shorin-ryu karatedo and kobudo.
  • price: 7,000 yen - approx 68 US$ (shipping included)
  • Duration: Disc 1: 35 minutes, disc 2: 105 minutes
  • Written and produced by: Okinawa Eizou Center Co, Ltd.
  • DVD settings:Region ALL and NTSC video format
  • Language: English, Japanese, French, Spanish and Chinese.
  • Contents:

History of Okinawan Karate: the first ever history documentary realized about Okinawa karate, shurite and shorin-ryu history filmed in high definition. Realized with the participation of Uema Joki sensei and Uema Yasuhiro sensei, it is a must see for all karateka, regardless of styles.

Shorin-ryu katas and applications
kihon gata
kihon gata ichi, ni, san yon and go (5 katas)
Naihanchi nidan
Naihanchi sandan
Pinan shodan, nidan, sandan, yondan and godan (5 katas)
Matsumura no Passai
Itosu no Passai
Kusanku sho
Kusanku dai

Kobujutsu Sakugawa no kon
Hamahiga no sai
Sunakake no Eku (oar)

Basic movements and technics

Tanren training

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